Joyfully Serving My Master

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Location: Indiana, United States

Monday, December 20, 2004

Serving at Christmas

This Christmas season has been wonderful. As I sit in my unusually quiet house I am amazed at the great blessings God has given my family this year. We leave tomorrow for my parent's house, and I should be packing right now. However I will take just a moment to reflect on the blessings of the last couple weeks.

One of the things that makes this year so special is that our children have wholeheartedly (for the most part) joined us in serving others for Christmas. They helped me bake goodies to give away. They cheerfuly sang Christmas carols to our neighbors as we gave out those goodies and invited them to see the Living Nativity. They were very excited to buy gifts to give away to needy Children involved in the Christmas for Everyone program. The boys had great fun dressing up as children in Bethlehem for the Living Nativity. We had such fun making and buying presents to give away to others. I loved my oldest son's comment about his present for Grandma: "I know grandma will really like it when she opens it. I think she will like it so much that she will have a couple tears of joy in her eyes."

This morning we had our family Christmas. We do it a little differently. The kids don't get very many presents from us. So last night my dear hubby and I hid presents and clues throughout the house. Then this morning the kids followed the clues to the next present. Finally, before they were allowed to open their present they had to tell one thing they were thankful for, recite a memory verse, or sing a song about Jesus. We ran up and down stairs, searched behind and inside cupboards, and generally had a wonderful time. They never realize that they have fewer presents as we have such a glorious family time together. It is truly a joyful and heartwarming time.

Packing is calling and I must respond.