I should have my brain examined
No. Really. I should. In fact, the neurologist ordered tests to do just that. I don't have much profound to say right now, but I wanted to write here my gratitude. I'm thankful to know without a doubt that God never gives me more than I can handle. I thankful that God only expects me to serve in ways that he enables me to accomplish. I'm thankful that God has given me an incredibly loving, tender, and patient husband who cares for me with such joy. I'm thankful that my boys enjoy me even on days when my brain is foggy, and that this is all happening at a time when they are old enough to not only do most of their own work, but also help me when I really need it. I'm thankful for parents, sister, and other family who love me, are so supportive and pray for me daily. I'm thankful for women in my Bible study who encourage me and show their love to me in tangible ways. I'm thankful for my hair. Okay, that may be a little bit surfac-y, but I really am thankful that God has given me the gift of hair that looks good even on a day when my brain is foggy and I forget to even pull out a hairbrush because I'm trying to figure out how to make a decision right then. I'm thankful for a fun furniture re-do project to keep me interested and occupied. I'm thankful for fellow servants who gladly pick up the ministry load from me if it gets too heavy for me to bear. I'm thankful that on a day when I'm tempted to be scared of what life will be like when the state takes away my driver's license and I have to deal with side effects of new medications, that God can bring to my mind so many things I have to be thankful for. And I'm thankful that there is always enough grace to deal with everything that God allows in my life, so I don't need to worry or fear about the future. I can rest, and be thankful.